Tuesday July 12 2022

Our new colleague Floris

As a 25-year-old student with a brand-new master in Computer Science from the Eindhoven Technical University I wanted little more to put my knowledge of formal system analysis into practice. My thesis supervisor told me Axini was one of the few companies applying knowledge from this field, which made the choice very easy. Last week I started as a Junior Software Engineer, aiming to maintain and develop the Axini Modeling Platform.

While Amsterdam is quite far away from Eindhoven, the possibility to work remote or start working during my commute hardly makes this an issue. This highlights the flexibility of the job; mandatory (online or offline) meetings naturally still exist, but I have much freedom in filling in my hours. If I want to play the piano for half an hour, and then work a little longer that day, that's perfectly fine. My first week consisted of setting up the work environment, getting to know the product and reading up on the relevant programming languages, under supervision of my personal mentor. I look forward to deploy my first bugfix or small feature soon!