Friday May 27 2022

Last month the annual NWO ICT.Open conference was held again and more than 400 ICT researchers from industry and the academic world gathered to share and learn from each other. At this conference we presented the results of the research we executed in collaboration with the University of Twente, University of Utrecht and University of Amsterdam.

It all started with the ICT with Industry week that was organized by the Lorentz Center and NWO. In a one week hackathon we made a demonstrator for model based testing of 3D games, by combining research and tools from all research groups and Axini. Tannaz Zameni, PhD researcher of the University of Twente recorded a short demo movie, in which we show a test run of the Axini Modeling Platform. The test-runs are automatically generated and executed by the Axini Modeling Platform. We use a test-case generation strategy to obtain optimal coverage.

We received great feedback and are now working on the next results and research. This all would not have been possible without the cooperation with and great work of (in alphabetical order) Saba Gholizadeh Ansari, Tobias Bachmann, Machiel van der Bijl, Ana Oprescu, Wishnu Prasetya, Amit Reza, Samira Shirzadeh and Tannaz Zameni.